Exit rules
The gates of the EXIT festival open every day at 19:00 and close at 03:00. After 03:00, entry to the festival is no longer permitted.
Each festival wristband is valid for one person and allows one entry per festival day between 19:00 and 03:00. Please ensure that the wristband remains on your wrist throughout the festival.
To help manage the expected large attendance, EXIT encourages all visitors to arrive early to avoid long lines at the gates. Remember, you can only enter the festival once each evening.
All visitors are required to carry a personal identification document at all times. In addition to festival security, the entrances are monitored by the police to prevent the entry of prohibited items and substances.
Visitors may reach the promoters at the info desk near the Main Stage and Foodland at any time.
Billboards featuring an accurate map of the festival, including all stages, information desks, and emergency services, will be displayed at the Petrovaradin Fortress during the event. Additionally, visitors can find flyers with the festival map and schedules at the information desks and from the promoters.
The payment card is the official and exclusive method for purchasing drinks, food, and other products at the EXIT festival. These cards can be obtained at all top-up points throughout the festival and at the campsite (available only for visitors staying at the campsite).
While payments can be made in cash or by credit card, funds can only be loaded onto the card in dinars (RSD). Please note that other currencies are not accepted.
If you have unspent funds left on your card, you can request a refund at any time at the designated cash desks marked "Refund." However, please be aware that refunds can only be processed during the festival, and no refunds will be permitted afterward.
There is no designated festival parking for visitors. The closest parking lots are located on the city side, before the Duga Bridge, or in Petrovaradin. Please be aware that traffic in the streets surrounding the festival is suspended during the event. Driving from the EXIT camp to the festival is not recommended, as heavy traffic towards Petrovaradin Fortress and several closed streets can significantly delay travel times. It is often quicker to walk or take the bus instead.
Official EXIT merchandise can be purchased at four locations: near the main festival entrance, opposite the central Foodland, in the upper town between the Reggae and Fusion stages, and at Akamedi, located between the Dance Arena and the Main Stage. Merchandise is also available in the camp area. Visitors can buy EXIT-branded t-shirts, sweatshirts, and bandanas, and payments can be made using an EXIT card.
Small and medium-sized lockers are available for visitors to store their personal belongings, and they come with electricity. Lockers can be rented at the central Foodland for one evening or for all four nights of the festival, as well as at the festival campsite.
Locker rental prices are as follows:
Locker camp 4 days –
Locker festival (Foodland) 4 days –
Locker festival (Foodland) 1 day –
The Lost & Found tent is situated in the central Foodland area, directly across from the main festival entrance. Visitors can drop off any items they find at the festival, such as IDs, mobile phones, wallets, etc. Additionally, they can ask about any lost items at the counter. For further assistance, you can also reach out via email at lostandfound@exitfest.org.
Teams from the Search and Rescue Organization of Serbia (OTIS), along with emergency services and the fire department, will be on duty at Exit for all four nights. Due to the high volume of sound during the concerts, there is a risk of hearing damage and other health issues. Additionally, the type and intensity of light effects may pose a risk of vision impairment and other health problems. If visitors need assistance, they can approach the security personnel who are wearing distinctive fluorescent vests.
Visitors are allowed to bring chronic disease therapy:
1. Diabetes mellitus therapy - (insulin injections, injection pumps)
2. Therapy for anaphylactic shock in allergic individuals (EpiPen)
3. Therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (inhaler pumps)
Visitors bringing medications for the ongoing treatment of other diseases must have a doctor’s report and the prescribed dosage for that evening. If a visitor does not have a doctor’s report, the medications will be collected and transferred to the main first aid station located at the Main Stage.
OK - Backpacks (maximum size of a school backpack)
OK - Hats
OK - Lighters
OK - Mobile Phones and Tablet Devices
OK - Sunglasses
OK - Cigarettes
OK - Small Foldable Umbrellas
OK - Raincoats
OK - Eye Drops for Contact Lenses
OK - Photo and Video Cameras (with official press accreditation)
OK - Insulin (with diabetics booklet and personal I.D. document)
OK - Other Medicine (along with doctor's report and the original packaging)
NO - Drugs & Drug Paraphernalia
NO - Knives / Weapons Etc.
NO - Bottles and Cans
NO - Instruments
NO - Outside Food & Bev
NO - Cash Refunds
NO - Tents
NO - Pets
NO - Umbrellas
NO - Blankets
NO - Selfie/GoPro Sticks
* The gates will open at 19:00
* NO Ins & Outs
* Line up/set times subject to change
* All individuals are required to undergo a search upon entry.
* No entry will be allowed after 3:00 AM.
Festival information
EXIT festival @ Petrovaradin fortress, Novi Sad, Serbia
EXIT festival 8-11 July 2021 Latest news
Map & Directions
Welcome cards